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간만에 나온 RStudio 책입니다!!!

Harness the power of RStudio to create web applications, R packages, markdown reports and pretty data visualizations.

About This Book

Discover the multi-functional use of RStudio to support your daily work with R code
Learn to create stunning, meaningful, and interactive graphs and learn to embed them into easy communicable reports using multiple R packages
Develop your own R packages and Shiny web apps to share your knowledge and collaborate with others.

Who This Book Is For

This book is aimed at R developers and analysts who wish to do R statistical development while taking advantage of RStudio's functionality to ease their development efforts. R programming experience is assumed as well as being comfortable with R's basic structures and a number of functions.

What You Will Learn

Discover the RStudio IDE and details about the user interface
Communicate your insights with R Markdown in static and interactive ways
Learn how to use different graphic systems to visualize your data
Build interactive web applications with the Shiny framework to present and share your results
Understand the process of package development and assemble your own R packages
Easily collaborate with other people on your projects by using Git and GitHub
Manage the R environment for your organization with RStudio and Shiny server
Apply your obtained knowledge about RStudio and R development to create a real-world dashboard solution

In Detail

RStudio helps you to manage small to large projects by giving you a multi-functional integrated development environment, combined with the power and flexibility of the R programming language, which is becoming the bridge language of data science for developers and analyst worldwide. Mastering the use of RStudio will help you to solve real-world data problems.

This book begins by guiding you through the installation of RStudio and explaining the user interface step by step. From there, the next logical step is to use this knowledge to improve your data analysis workflow. We will do this by building up our toolbox to create interactive reports and graphs or even web applications with Shiny. To collaborate with others, we will explore how to use Git and GitHub with RStudio and how to build your own packages to ensure top quality results. Finally, we put it all together in an interactive dashboard written with R.

Style and approach

An easy-to-follow guide full of hands-on examples to master RStudio.

Beginning from explaining the basics, each topic is explained with a lot of details for every feature.

No. Subject Author Date
1234 안녕하세요 에러 관련 문의드립니다 [1] secret 화이팅 2023.09.19
1233 선형회귀분석 시 보정변수 사용 관련 질문드립니다. [2] secret 전한울 2023.09.18
1232 그래프 관련 문의드립니다. secret nanak 2023.09.14
1231 영수증 메일로 받을수 있을까요? [1] secret 딸기공주 2023.09.13
1230 mycsv 관련 문의드립니다. [1] 도삼 2023.09.12
1229 matched group 을 대상으로 stratified cox secret saga 2023.09.06
1228 IPTW 시 SMD 계산 관련 여쭙습니다. 장한나 2023.09.04
1227 회귀분석 관련 문의드립니다. [2] secret 전한울 2023.09.04
1226 PSM matching 실행시 disconnected 됩니다... [1] 맹구모션 2023.08.25
1225 메타분석_출간오류분석 관련 질문드립니다. [2] 블루레몬 2023.08.21
1224 plot 문의 드립니다. 1122 2023.08.20
1223 semMediation 설치문의 [2] 마술샘 2023.08.11
1222 로지스틱 회귀분석 문의드립니다. [2] secret JKJ 2023.08.09
1221 지출 문의 드립니다. [1] 블루레몬 2023.08.08
1220 autoReg 실행 중 에러 [1] pkjsdf123 2023.08.08
1219 영수증 처리 [1] secret britnepak 2023.07.28
1218 multipleROC 커브 글을 따라가다 궁금한 것이 생겨서 질문드립니다. [2] file rgppwls 2023.07.20
1217 disconnected from server 오류 [2] secret JKJ 2023.07.13
1216 mytable에서 변수 순서와 ztable적용시 변수가 숫자로 변형 [1] 둥니맨 2023.07.12
1215 box plot 시 X 축 label이 다 나오지 않아 질문드립니다. [2] file 난둥 2023.07.03