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HR와 95% CI뿐만 아니라 cumulative proportion과 95% CI를 표기하고 싶습니다. 

1. 총 연구기간동안 발생한 event의 cumulative proportion과 95% CI를 논문에 표기하고 싶은데, R에서는 어떻게 하는지 알 수 있을지요?

2. 또한 중간 시점까지 발생한 event의 cumulative porportion과 95% CI도 구하고 싶습니다.

예로 아래와 같은 표현하고 싶습니다.

During the follow-up period, the proportion of patients who required initiation of antibiotic treatment was lower in liquid culture group than in solid culture group (44.1% [49/111] vs. 61.6% [534/867], P = .002). In addition, the cumulative rate for initiating antibiotic therapy at 24 months following the diagnosis of NTM lung disease was significantly lower in liquid culture group (43.8%; 95% CI, 33.8% - 53.8%) than in solid culture group (58.8%, 95% CI; 55.3% - 62.3%, P = .004, Figure 2).

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